Personal Insurance, Auto Insurance, Home Insurance in Kingsport, Johnson City, Knoxville TN

Insure every aspect of life so you never get caught unprepared.

What Is Personal Insurance?

To put it simply, personal insurance includes coverage plans for everything that revolves around you. Your home, your car, your health, and everything in between. Personal insurance is broken up into five categories that all have plans, policies, and coverages you can count on. Take the time to go over various plans with your agent so that no matter what life throws at you, you and your loved ones are prepared.

Why Is Personal Insurance Important?

In life, there are good and bad days. And while we hope that the “good” outweighs the “bad,” that is not always the case. When you run into an issue, the last thing you need is added stress when you’ve already been knocked down. Having insurance on your side will only help you in the long run so you can get back up on your feet knowing you are safe and sound.

Our Coverages

Auto Insurance

What Is Auto Insurance?

Auto insurance is coverage for the vehicles you drive and what can happen as a result. Driving can be unpredictable, and our insurers’ comprehensive auto insurance packages provide protection from any unforeseen circumstances.

Why Is It Important?

No matter if you use a car or a motorcycle as your main mode of transportation, you’ll want to make sure you’re financially protected, should an accident happen along the way.

Most Policies Offer:

  • Liability
  • Comprehensive coverage
  • Collision coverage
  • Uninsured/underinsured motorists
  • Rental car reimbursement
  • Roadside assistance
  • Medical payments as a result of an accident
  • Coverage of damages that occur as a result of an auto collision with another vehicle
  • Coverage of damages that occur as a result of an auto collision with something other than another vehicle
  • Protection from vehicle theft
  • Protection from vandalism
  • Protection from weather related damages
  • Accidents with uninsured/underinsured individuals

Home Insurance

What Is Homeowners Insurance?

Homeowners insurance covers a private residence. It is a package policy that covers damage and losses to your house and property, as well as your legal responsibility for any injuries or property damage sustained by others while at your residence.

Keep Your Home and Family Safe

Home insurance is essential for protecting your family and helping you recover after disasters. Talk to us today about which coverage is right for you based on your home’s value and risk factors. Our agents can help you insure your home for the first time, or switch to one of our insurance carriers.

Our home insurance partners offer a variety of coverage options, including:

  • Dwelling coverage- for structural damage to your house, as well as coverage for other non-business structures on your property in case of fire, weather, water, and other damages excluding flooding.
  • Personal property insurance- against fire, theft, and loss, with limitations regarding valuable items.
  • Liability protection- in the event that someone makes a claim against you for injuries or damage sustained in your home or on your property.
  • Coverage for loss of use and additional living expenses if the space was rented out, excluding utility fees.
  • Additional coverages for money spent on reasonable repairs, damage to trees and shrubbery, collapse, debris removal, fire department charges, etc.

Do you need assistance in deciding what policy meets your needs? Reach out to one of our local agents, today.

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